Submission for the Metroidvania Month 17 Jam.


A post-apocalyptic metroidvania in which you must scavenge resources to build your upgrades.

UNFINISHED, a more complete version to come after the jam ends. Explore part of a ruined city and find upgrades to advance your exploration abilities. Shoot at (but due a glitch don't kill) enemy robots. Collect Scrap in order to craft upgrades.

This was my first proper project with Godot having started learning it a couple of months back, and I really like it! I look forward to developing more games like this in future.

You have access to cheats on the number keys 1-6 to enable your abilities and to get free scrap, to allow easier exploration, although the basic ability progress *is* in game already. But there's not enough scrap due to some bugs, so feel free to generate more by hitting 6!

I put in some labels around the map to give some context for some of the missing content. Mostly things are missing due to inexperience with Godot  or simply running out of time during the jam.

Hope you enjoy it anyway!


Arrow Keys or WASD to move/aim up/crouch

Space to Jump (after upgrade)

X/K to shoot (after upgrade)

Z/J to Dash (after upgrade)

C/L for bomb (after upgrade)

Tab to open/close menu, Arrow Keys or WASD to make selections, X/K to confirm selection

1-6 keys are cheats and will enable your abilities without you having to collect and craft them.


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(1 edit) (+1)

First off, I think the game looks very solid, and I'm impressed that there is a functional crafting interface and with the amount of mechanics that were implemented. Scene transitions are smooth, and the environments feel visually fleshed out and cohesive.

I found myself in a couple of unwinnable situations - right off the bat, when I first opened the crafting menu after dropping down and collecting the first scrap, the option to craft a health upgrade is blinking green so I thought, oh well I guess I'm supposed to craft that, which locked me out of jumping out of the pit (this was obviously bypassable with the scrap cheat, which I assume will not be in the finished product). I guess since crafting implies player choice in how to allocate resources, what will happen if the player makes the 'wrong' choice and crafts the wrong upgrade? An in-game way to reset at a checkpoint or something might be necessary, because I had to just reload the entire game. 

A second situation was in the second room, dropping down into the hidden area - I was unable to jump out.

That being said, the mechanics are there, and it's cool how many things you were able to put into the game. I just worry that the aforementioned hurdles might prevent players from seeing all the things that the game has to offer.

Maybe it's just me but in general crafting menue's coloring wasnt obvious at first.
Like you said, I see green blinking thing, I think of cursor.
so I was wondering, when using arrow keys, why the blinking thing wasnt moving.

if it where me, I would prefer for a solid green for already bought stuff.
the current "cursor" is okay as it is.

Also just didnt realize at first, that there is a menu on the right where I would first have to choose upgrades before I can move the cursor around in the upgrades.

maybe only my taste but have the menu on the left side and the upgrade icons on the right.